Vintage Stripes & Stars Adjustable Fatigue Cap - Black
Rothco Women's Vintage Stripes & Stars Adjustable Fatigues Cap is 100% Washed Cotton Rip-Stop with a sergeant stripe emblem stamped on the front of the hat. Item 1149 (the black cap) has Ribbon on Back To Help Fight Breast Cancer.
Rothco makes quality outdoor and sports gear for all types of situation. Whether you are in a combat intensive environment, or if you are a recreational user, Rothco will fit the lifestyle of many. Quality tested and Performance driven, use Rothco
- 100% Cotton
- Quality tested and ensured for maximum durability
- Designed with only the toughest, roughest users in mind
- Comfort and Performance come hand in hand with Rothco
- Material: Cotton, Rip-Stop
- Material Specs: 100% Washed Cotton Rip-Stop
- Size: One Size
- Gender / Age: Womens
- UPC Label On Product: Yes